Friday, October 2, 2009

Rebecca and kids, we're going to scream down here in Georgia! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! Did you hear us? We're running in circles trying to get things finished for the Fair. Mean Ol' Mama is working at the College (almost down to the testing time, so there's lots of pressure), Stennes has been "Fair-ing" and busy work for MOM, Josiah has been memorizing for Fair and trying to juggle a new instrument, Anders has been memorizing and improving his Life Skills at home, Branch has been trying to figure out why everyone keeps giving him more "go-fer" jobs to do, The Girl has been trying to entertain ChubChub during all the hullabub, and ChubChub has been a rascal. Another AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! We'll be glad when the 10th is over and the Fair will be behind us. Pray for us. We're running in so many circles that our circles are now squares because we keep hitting corners. Definitely an UFDA month for us.