Friday, May 29, 2009

Josiah. Hi, you'uns. I did pre-Algebra this week and I have been helping Levi in his garden and working in mine. We've been eating lots of potatoes lately and we've been out preaching almost every night since the migrants are in. Caleb bought an Isuzu pick-up like your dad's.

Hi, in my garden I planted a banana tree, MayPop, ginseng, seminole pumpkin. I'm trying to work steadier on my pre-Algebra and it's going well. I need to catch up on my Greek. I'm a little behind on memorization, but we're going to have a much easier week next week. Stennes.

This is Anders. I went fishing and I caught 5 bream and a shell cracker. I also caught a bass with my cast net and maybe my picture will be in the newspaper tomorrow. We're going to play with the band tomorrow in Tallahassee for the last concert of the year. I'm going to try putting a light on the side of my boat to attract fish. We'll see how that goes. We did Friday class today with Teresa and Levi and received a new Greek book. I did some pre-Algebra, too.
Bye till next time.

ChubChub says that he wants to watch a DVD. That's all.

Mean Ol' Mama here. I'm really looking forward to this coming week. Having visitors is really hard on the schedule, and we were getting into a good "groove" with our schoolwork. As per our conversation on the phone, we're easing along in so many areas, trying hard to find a good balance between life and school. The migrant season always impacts our lives in a strong way, so we have another important area to balance as well. We're going to be working with the boys on more Sp. music for the camps, and we have more performances coming up later on this month (unexpected) and next month, too (expected). The days are whizzing by.
We're behind in our memory work, so we may have to extend the deadline for Lord's Prayer in Greek. I think we're really going to like the new Greek series we're following in our Monday class, and we've added Lingua Biblica to cover written Latin. We're doing a good bit of reading from various books on Monday, too. We need to get back into our memory work in the mornings, but sometimes I don't sleep very well, so that always slows me down a bit. And when Mama is slow, everybody is slow...But at least we aren't going backwards. Gotta remember that. Schoolwork, housework, any work done imperfectly still blesses our families.

Branch now. I finished building a larger chicken pen with Pop for my chickens. It's probably going to be shown on the blog. I've worked on my math, some reading in English and Sp., but I really need to do more. Violin is going pretty well, but I should probably practice more. I have a lot of songs to learn.

The Girl: I did a lot of math, but I need to read more. I've been playing Junior Monopoly almost every day. I need to keep my room cleaner. Branch has a math book that I want to steal from him. Maybe Mommy will let me.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

From Levi.

I have done a good bit of Latin and Greek this week. We butchered chickens and I butchered a rabbit. I skinned it to tan the hide. When I put it in the shop something stole my skin, but at least we got to eat the meat. So, I butchered another and put the skin in a cage. I'm working on tanning it.

Big, old mama here. Sorry about not posting last week; just couldn't seem to get it together. We've had a pretty good week. I'm still feeling misplaced with Caleb in and out of the house. I can't seem to get a working, steady schedule. Working on that though. By the way, Caleb made five "A's" in this semester at the college. I did fine with #1 and 4, but 2 and 3 need a little tweaking.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hello, friends of the frost! This is Mean Ol' Mama posting for us all. The boys have their cousins over right now, so I don't want to interrupt their game. We've had a dragging week, full of dragons and drama. The boys had their final band concert Monday night, they have one more concert to play that doesn't involve the parents, they'll be finished with guitar next Wednesday, and we're looking forward to a change of pace and plans. We haven't done much in the books this week, although Latin and Greek both are back on the list for next week! Woo-hoo!!! We have been entertaining their two cousins (a full-time job), catching up on strange bits and pieces around the house, and getting our heads back on straight. I have some ideas that I believe will make things work even more smoothly around here. I'll let you know how that goes.

We have potatoes now in full measure, and they're creamy and delicious. The blueberries are full but not quite ripe. My brain is full, too, but not quite ripe either. Please don't give up on us down here! We're trying to wrap up May and their many classes, so this coming week will find us back in the saddle again and aiming for a strong start in June.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Josiah here. I finished some of my Reader Box books, quite a bit in my Spanish Grammar and Sp. Phonetics, moved into a pre-Algebra book for math, and harvested some potatoes. Today I staked my pole beans and helped Levi in his garden. I planted beans, watermelon, cucumbers, peppers, and tomatoes.

Hi, this is Branch. I planted beans and cucumbers. My peppers are doing well. In school I read quite a few Eng. readers and finished a 2nd grade math workbook. I need to practice violin more consistently, and my teacher is helping me with that. He gave me a checklist to follow. My chickens are growing. They haven't started laying yet. We started swimming again, and that's fun. We've been fishing with Daddy in the evenings, too.

Some of the kids aren't here right now, so I'll go ahead and post. We've certainly had a different week. #1 is going as well as it can with everyone staying even-tempered, no memory work right now until we catch up some of the books, 3 and 4 are about the same as before. But we're not going BACKWARDS!!! Whoopee!! Non scholae sed vitae discimus. I'm in a baking mood, which is good but fattening. We're really trying to be more consistent in so many areas. One new addition to our schoolroom: each child has a small basket for books read, pages finished, etc. so that we can see a visual sign of progress. This has worked very well this week. We're really looking forward to finishing up Band and guitar classes this month and get some of our time and life back. Of course, I have lots of big plans to fill those empty hours...hee hee....We really look forward to reading what you all are doing up there in the tundra. Teresa, Chan and I took all the kids swimming today...10 boys!!! and The Girl. Ufda! Also, the kids are going to give oral book reports on Fri.-on-Monday. We'll be doing essays next, focusing on persuasive, compare/contrast, and informative.

This is The Girl now. I finished lots of math sheets, some Eng. reader books, and some in Sp., too. I need to work on my piano piece more. Tomorrow Mommy and I are going somewhere together and we're going to eat lunch all by ourselves. I'm doing better in school and my room is staying pretty clean, too.

This is Anders. I finished all of my Sp. Phonetics workbook! I also finished my Saxon math book and I'm working in my pre-Algebra book that I had started earlier. I caught a jack and 3 bass and lost 2 lures. I've read some of my reader books, too. That's all for now.

Stennes now. I finished up Sp. worksheets that we found stuffed in my notebook. How did that get there? Hmmm....a mystery for Willie Boy. I finished planting Georgia Candy Roaster squash, pumpkin, okra, and sweet corn. I found 13 voluntary tomato plants in my garden, so I planted only 4. My potato plants are beginning to die, so I'll start harvesting soon. I read some reader books and I think that I've had a really good school week.


Hi, Kajsa speaking. I did two pages in my Greek copy book. In Latin we did parsing and translating. We translated the Benedic Domine and the Gloria Patri. I've finally got some seeds in the ground. I planted perennials right before the rain came down. Our piano teacher gave us some new books for the recital, and I've finished another math book.

Hi, it's Rachel.
I did five pages in Greek, a lesson in Latin and four pages in Math. It's very wet up here. I will work in my garden again after the ground becomes dry. Rosie and I both got new math books today. Well, that's all for now. Bye.

Hi, it's Rosie.
I have memorized The Triagion, and the Signum Crucis, and the Doxa Patri. This week I have had a cold, but now it's going away. I did eleven pages in Math and eleven pages in English, and memorized two poems. I have also been reading in a French book and have learned two phrases. Well, goodbye.

Hello. This week has been much better than last week. We have been more focused and I hope we continue on that way and become even more so. As far as Chinese goes, I have only briefly glanced over it, but we have been tossing some phrases around lately. Even Wilson has nonchalantly said a phrase now and again. I wonder if he is remembering it or if he is re-learning as he hears it. Anyway, I need to do more. Have been good at 1 and much better with 2 and growing in 3. As for 4, well, not as good, but not too bad either. Let's just say that I have found a new tooth this past week, but since it's wiggly I'll probably just pull it out. Shouldn't be too painful :) Seeing Kajsa began with Salvete, I will end with


Hi it's Willyboy

Hi, this is Wilson. I did more Saxon this week than I did last week.I will be done with my logic book next week, I'm done reviewing and ready to do my last chapter in my logic book. I'm going slower in Greek, but still making progress, I'm in my 8th chapter and I'm memorizing my voabulary. I saw my pigs the other day, they were ugly, but I have a theory, the uglier they are... the sooner we will butcher 'em. I'll be going to a shooting competition today for the weekend. I'll be back on Sunday and that is why I'm posting early. I hope to do a lot more Saxon, finish my book, and do more in Greek and espeacially Latin next week.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sorry, we're late! As Teresa said in her post, it's been an odd week, although it seems as if every week lately has been off-kilter. Anyway, you all know what's been going on in the schooling here at our house, so we haven't done hardly any languages except for English, and no subjects except for math and Reader Boxes. This coming week we're going to pursue Math, work on Sp. books and knock them out as hard and fast as we can, and get back into the groove. Our goal is to be caught up/ moving into the next levels by the end of May/mid-June. Accordingly, memory work has been minimum to non-existent, although we've made progress in our History notebooks. We'll see what happens this week in the languages and work the best we can.

On a lighter note, the gardens are coming along nicely, the kids did a fabulous job at their performance on Saturday, I'm throwing around some ideas in my head for next term's school, and we're making progress. It's slow, but at least we aren't just standing still. Thanks for understanding about the other stuff. It will all work out, and we'll certainly all feel better once these books and unfinished lessons are wrapped up. Pray for us, that we'll be faithful in everything.

Friday, May 8, 2009

May 8, 2009

Hi, Levi here:
This has been an exciting week in the garden department. I didn't get my corn planted, but I started harvesting potatoes. I've given quite a few away. Plus, I actually did some Latin and Greek. I also finished two algebra books and received the "Outstanding Craftsmanship" award for my steer carving.

Teresa reporting:
This has been an odd week. Because of homeschool testing, I have been gone everyday. I did O.K. in all areas; not wonderful, but O.K. Planning on doing better next week on number 4.
Hi, It's Kasja
This week I didn't do much Latin or Greek. I'll do better next week. Right now we are getting ready for Minneapolis. We are going there for Mothers Day. All the snow is gone now and we are going to mow the lawn. Yesterday we had our picture taken for soccer. We are waiting for the ground to dry up. I can't wait to start planting. Mrs. Fern our Great Grand Aunt/Piano Teacher gave us music to play for our recital.

Hi, it's Wilson
I did a little bit of Saxon this week. I also started a good review in my Logic book and should be done with it soon. I'm having more fun in Greek than ever before, I'm working in the 7th chapter. Dad bought the pigs in exchange for me playing soccer. All I have to do is put up the fence. We will be going to visit friends who live way down south... in Minneapolis.

Hi, it's Rachel
As you have heard we are going to Minneapolis. I have not done much Greek and Latin. We visted a lady named Mabel. Well thats all for now. Bye.

Hi, it's Rosie.
I have gotten much better at the Latin and Greek Declensions. I plan to do more Latin's Not So Tough and Hey Andrew...Greek next week. In piano I am learning part of the Summertime Waltz for a recital. That's all for now.

A quick post from me too. It has been a hectic week again. I did much better with 2. The kids have been practicing piano quite a bit and we have been catching up on our reading. We have to run now as it's time to leave. I'll post more next time. Re

Friday, May 1, 2009

From the Far North

This is Wilson. I recieved the Mounce Greek workbook Tuesday, and did exercises 3,4 and review 1-4. I read through the 5th chapter in the text. I didn't do much Latin, but I have almost memorized the Pater Noster. I'm trying to catch up in my math from the unexpected visit. I cleaned up the chicken house with the skidsteer today and now we literally have a ton of fresh compost. I hope to do more in my Saxon also, finish up my last chapter in my logic book, and get the pigpen ready for pigs!

Hi,its Rachel. I have just started my Greek again yesterday. In Latin, I am memorizing The Pater Noster, and in Greek I'm memorizing The Doxa Patri.We have finished one of our books for school called Mr. Pipes; a very fun book. Well,thats all for now. Bye.

This is Rosie,
I am doing great at the Pater Noster. I was able to say it almost through the whole thing. I did 10 pages in both my Latin and Greek. Outside Wilson, Rachel, and I cleaned out the hen's coop. It rained plenty this week; tomorrow is supposed to be sunny. I'm learning my French, and it is fun to recognize some French words from Latin, and I really like it, too. My typing is getting better, now. That's all bye.

Hi there, It's Kajsa
I've memorized the Sanctus and the Triagion. I've almost memorized the Gloria Patri and the Pater Noster. I'm using my Latins Not So Tough and am doing a little review. I'm having fun in Greek. Having a book full of Greek is like having a book full of tongue twisters. Today I made some money by babysitting my second cousins. I sure am glad to be home now. This Sunday is our last soccer practice indoors. Then we will have practice outdoors on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Yeah! I have four more pages left in one of my math "Keys"! Wilson and I are working on a duet on the piano. Fabas indulcet fames. Hunger sweetens beans. TTFN

Hi there. I have my turn now. We are up way too late,but I want to post this before tomorrow. This week has gone by in a flash. We have been working slowly, implementing all our wonderful ideas. The good news is we have a plan, and it helps us keep our goals in mind. I need to work on 3....a lot. 1. is about the same, 2. needs more improvement and 4. is actually pretty good this week. The work outside in the sun has been great. I haven't done any Chinese this week. Look for a better post on that next week. I made Greek lessons for Rachel to use until she starts Hey Andrew 3. It covers the vocabulary from Book 2 and also the Accusative of those nouns and the 3rd person of the verbs. I found a website for French for Rosie. I like that it isn't slow on dial up. She enjoys listening to the phrases and hearing how things should sound. After listening to the recordings and reading along she said she realized now why we were laughing about our French friends saying that French is easy; it sounds just like it looks. She says that if she were half blind it would be easy. Then she would only see half the letters! I'll end on french. Salut!
From LEVI,
I have only done a little Latin and Greek this week, because I have been working on a project for the student art show. I carved a steer and did few other things. I am going to disk my one acre field tomorow and plant it with corn (finally). I have already eaten a few potatoes from my garden, but they were not very big.
Josiah here. I did a few pages in Greek, some of my Spanish books, read quite a few of my Reader Box books, did about 4 pages of Latin (subjective tense), and I understood what was happening with the opposite vowel changes, thanks to Spanish "para que" changes. I'm going to work next week on my speech for a performance, on my gardens, on Spanish Bible, and I'd like to do even more in my Saxon.

Hi, this is Stennes. I did quite a few pages of my Spanish books, finished 2 Spanish Bible worksheets, read my Greek, but didn't do the workbook. I did Latin with the others. I'd like to memorize my speech next week, wrap up a lot in Saxon, work more in Spanish, and get finished with lots of "little" books.

This is Branch. I worked hard on reading music in violin. I'm reading much better in English. I did my Greek, Latin, and Spanish work and caught up with some of my math. I need to learn my speech and work more in my math.

I did my Greek and Latin, I'm working in a 3rd grade math book (some), I need to work more on my English reading. I have to memorize a poem for the performance, and I need to work more on my piano and flute. We had a pretty good week in school. (The Girl)

This is Anders. I went fishing yesterday and I caught 10 bream. I did 42 pages of my Spanish workbooks, and I'm doing much better in math because Mommy is being so mean. I'm hoping to finish my Saxon book next week and go into 5th grade. We'll see. This evening Daddy and I went to Mr. Johnny's to pour out some leftover concrete from Daddy's work. Next week I need to learn my speech, practice guitar, and I think Mommy is going to put me back into piano.

Okay, everyone, this is Mean Ol' Mama. We had a better week, but we're hoping to improve. #1 was better, #2 was horrible, #3 was better, #4 was so-so. I haven't made peace yet with #2 in terms of how much time it takes, so I need to re-consider a bit. I'm pretty pleased about this week, and I'm hoping that next week will be even better now that we all know the "changes".

May Day

Finally, I am able to post. It has been an exciting week! Lots of birds and birdbrains. After recovering from the weekend, I have met my #1 goal. Number 2 and number 3 is better than last week. Still working on #4.