Friday, May 29, 2009

Josiah. Hi, you'uns. I did pre-Algebra this week and I have been helping Levi in his garden and working in mine. We've been eating lots of potatoes lately and we've been out preaching almost every night since the migrants are in. Caleb bought an Isuzu pick-up like your dad's.

Hi, in my garden I planted a banana tree, MayPop, ginseng, seminole pumpkin. I'm trying to work steadier on my pre-Algebra and it's going well. I need to catch up on my Greek. I'm a little behind on memorization, but we're going to have a much easier week next week. Stennes.

This is Anders. I went fishing and I caught 5 bream and a shell cracker. I also caught a bass with my cast net and maybe my picture will be in the newspaper tomorrow. We're going to play with the band tomorrow in Tallahassee for the last concert of the year. I'm going to try putting a light on the side of my boat to attract fish. We'll see how that goes. We did Friday class today with Teresa and Levi and received a new Greek book. I did some pre-Algebra, too.
Bye till next time.

ChubChub says that he wants to watch a DVD. That's all.

Mean Ol' Mama here. I'm really looking forward to this coming week. Having visitors is really hard on the schedule, and we were getting into a good "groove" with our schoolwork. As per our conversation on the phone, we're easing along in so many areas, trying hard to find a good balance between life and school. The migrant season always impacts our lives in a strong way, so we have another important area to balance as well. We're going to be working with the boys on more Sp. music for the camps, and we have more performances coming up later on this month (unexpected) and next month, too (expected). The days are whizzing by.
We're behind in our memory work, so we may have to extend the deadline for Lord's Prayer in Greek. I think we're really going to like the new Greek series we're following in our Monday class, and we've added Lingua Biblica to cover written Latin. We're doing a good bit of reading from various books on Monday, too. We need to get back into our memory work in the mornings, but sometimes I don't sleep very well, so that always slows me down a bit. And when Mama is slow, everybody is slow...But at least we aren't going backwards. Gotta remember that. Schoolwork, housework, any work done imperfectly still blesses our families.

Branch now. I finished building a larger chicken pen with Pop for my chickens. It's probably going to be shown on the blog. I've worked on my math, some reading in English and Sp., but I really need to do more. Violin is going pretty well, but I should probably practice more. I have a lot of songs to learn.

The Girl: I did a lot of math, but I need to read more. I've been playing Junior Monopoly almost every day. I need to keep my room cleaner. Branch has a math book that I want to steal from him. Maybe Mommy will let me.

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