Friday, June 26, 2009

Kajsa Reporting: I haven't done much in my Latin or Greek books but I have done a little. I have everything on our wall memorized but I have not memorized the the Lords Prayer in Greek. Mom put up some Latin Posters, some of them are kind of funny. In the garden we have some things sprouting up and, half of the garden is planted with apple, plum, and pear trees. Today we went to see a play called the Taming of the Shrew. It was fun doing something for the fun of it. Yesterday I had a soccer game. We played the girls that were a year older than us. I think it was a pretty good game even though we lost by two points. Well, that's my up date.

Hi, Rachel here.
I didn't do much Greek or Latin. Friday we went to a play in D.L nexts Thursday
we are going to the cities. I asked daddy if I could bring my bunny so my friend who lives there could see it. So daddy said I can bring it. I have my flowers in my garden. Yesterday when Kajsa was playing I was playing a game but it was just for fun. And the other game was with Willyboy. He was playing with his friend and told me to be on the girls side so I did. Well thats all for now. Bye

P.S. Not everyone can post for they were sleeping when we wrote.

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