Monday, August 27, 2012

Seekers Assignment 8/27/12

In Principio - extensive memory work (all songs) including Matthew 5:1 - 26, KJV only
Latin - first 3 declensions, first conjugation and sum/es/est/  etc.,  Henle page 38 section 4 through page 41 (do all 4 exercises on these pages); Latin/Greek root words from EFRU volume 1
History - Veritas Press cards 13 and 14 - read and include any resources for extra reading
Rod and Staff Grammar - Eight Parts of Speech pages 46 - 50 adverbs
Essay Topic:  If you could have any job for one year, what would it be?  Why?
Star Time: memorizing 50 states and capitals, working on Culinary Arts section Keepers at Home


  1. Thank you, Tonya, for getting us in gear. We are all so excited...somewhat excited... about getting started again. They are all over my shoulder telling me what to type. Eddie's contribution is, "Ni Hao."

  2. We are so excited to be sharing this adventure with all of you!!! We wish you were here.

    Mrs. Ronda, Abigail, and John Paul

    1. Hi Miss Ronda! We are excited too. Hope to see you this winter sometime.

